The first lot under our sales confirmation no* Will be shipped per s.s* Scheduled to sail on or about. 我方第号销售确认书项下第一批货将由轮装运,预期在左右启航。
We regret having to inform you that the Cotton Goods covered by our Order No.6013 and shipped per s.s.PEACE arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we cannot but lodge a claim against you. 我们不得不通知你,“和平”轮所装我6013号订单项下的绵织品抵达时状况令我们很不满意,我们因此向你们提出索赔。
The cargo was shipped from n.y.on the steamer "yangtse", John hopkins, captain, as per documents attached. 货物已装约翰。霍普金斯船长的“扬子”号货轮,从纽约启航,详见所附单据。
The furs you ordered have be shipped ( dispatch) per airfreight. 贵方所订购的裘皮已由空运发货。
Research groups estimate that 3m-4m 3D sets will be shipped this year, equal to about 3 per cent of global high-definition TV sales and below some analysts 'and industry executives' early predictions. 研究机构估计,今年3D电视的发货量将达300万至400万台,相当于全球高清电视销售量的约3%,低于一些分析师和业内高管早先的预期。
All retail product must be stored and shipped on CHEP hire pallets as per the pallet configuration we supply. 所有零售产品必须被储存、装运在CHEP出租的托盘中,托盘按照我们之前提供的结构。
Just 370,000 Chinese-made vehicles were shipped abroad in 2009, equivalent to less than 3 per cent of the volume sold at home. 2009年,仅有37万辆在华制造汽车用于出口,不到中国国内销量的3%。
We regret to inform you that the goods shipped per S.S. 我们遗憾地告知你方由「美女」号轮船运来的货物令人十分不满。
Nokia shipped 31m smartphones running Symbian in the fourth quarter of 2010, up 30 per cent on the same period in 2009. 2010年第四季度,诺基亚塞班系统智能手机出货3100万台,较2009年同期增加30%。
Goods shall be shipped as per batches required by the owner or EPC contractor; 应按照业主或epc承包商要求的批次发运货物。